Saturday, February 18, 2012

O it's the little things add up

Hey All, 
I'm so sorry it's been sooooo long!!! Life has been so incredibly crazy. Right now I am still in TESOL which is really kinda boring but very informative so I'm trying to keep my interst up. The teachers are all very nice. 

Ummm what's new....O i got my hair cut. it didnt go so well. they cut it horribly it was like a girly mullet. it was aweful byut my friend Tera fized it up for me and now I look smoking. it was  an ordeal but yeah haha a new experience none the less. 

O i moved full time into my appartment. it's nice. but ti's quite I'm so used to having my amazing loud family here with that's hard but Idk i've thought about getting a pet. but i'm not sure if that would be fare to the pet whatever I were to get. so idk we shall see....

O well God has been doing a ton in me. This is has been the hardest time for me in a VERY long time. it's so different and so new. and for the most part there is nothing familure, nothing to anchor on, nothing that is except Christ. that has been so hard for me. Im so used to the familure.i think that we all are to some degree. But there is very VERY little that is the same here. but God has been giving me little things that are and that has helped. But God has been greatly challenging me. There are so many times that I fear the silence. I once told God i would go anywhere, do anything and be whomever HE wanted me to be. I meant it fully. I still mean it fully. but becareful what you say to God. He will take you seriously! Every time. And so i've been almost afriad to sit down and really listen to God and see what He may say. but i did and it was wonderful!! God told me that He was going to passionately win my heart back. And that no matter what He's always goign to be there with and for me and that no matter what life may try and throw at me, that HE will and has impowered me to be fullfilled :) Sometimes it's so good to hear that. I need reassurance. He also said that I need to keep my eyes on him and him alone. I'm ok with that. there is too much going on to not do that. 

haha O i'm starting Hapkido on Monday. My friend is in it and i got told about it and it's REALLY close to my appartment, so Amanda and I are going to do it :) I'm very exicted. Also i'm rocking teaching in TESOL.

So yes. God is still all there is with me! But he is more then enough. Yes. I love Korea. it's hard and new and different and sometiems just smells like kimichi or taekwandoe but it's awesome. Yes. I am making friends and having new adventures just about every day. No. I'm not dating/engaged to anyone. I promised God that I would not date for a year and jsut focus on God and I. *that's up here soon. april17th i think* and Two. God has not made it clear that I need to be investing any of myself in anyone anyway. Yes. I would love more prayers!! I will always take them and always need them. I realized I am truly being a missionary to those around me even though I'm not in active ministry with a title and all. but I'm being amissioary to eveyone around me every moment of my day. I cannot wait to go and teach and be able to speak about Christ openly there too will be awesome. 

Basically right now I'm just enjoying the place where God has put me. I may not know exactly what He wantsd from me or for me here but I do realize God has put me here for a reason and so I will passionately presure Him though all of this and see where it takes me. It's like I'm being showered in His blessings. Our God is sooo Good isnt He??

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