Thursday, May 17, 2012

O love from the God of the Universte ... (part2)

I've been planted here on this earth, but more then that I'm planted here in south Korea. I am to be God's hands and feet and yes. I've known that for a while for a long time, but what the heck does that look like? Does that look like me getting up each day, walking 30 mins to work, working teaching kids, walking 30 mins home, going and doing Hapkido and then going to bed?! NO!! it is so much more then that!!!! There needs to be Passion!!!! there needs to be LIFE!! Christ says "I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full!" John 10:10 Life is not meant to be something that we just pass through where everything fades to gray!! GOD wants us to have LIFE and to have COLOR!!! But that does not usually come in Money or fame or gratification whatever that may look like in your life *be it food, or sex, or drinking, or drugs or whatever* God's color, the REAL color of life is injected through people that we encounter, it is inspired through seeing Christ in the eyes of a child! GOD IS EVERYWHERE!!

I was watching this video of this woman, Christine Caine, She is from Hillsong United and she spoke at this conference but her words have stuck with me she said

"Jesus Christ came to make us alive to set us free and then SENT us into a dark and dying world to bring freedom, and life, and hope, and mercy, and justice and truth to lost and broken people. WE DO NOT NEED TO FEAR WHAT HE HAS ALREADY DEFEATED!! We do not need to fear the darkness!! We just need to shine our lives into the darkness and dispel that darkness...Light works most effectively in the darkness. we do not need to fear the darkness we just need to take the light of Christ THAT IS IN US into a dark and dying world and dispel that darkness with the light and the hope of the Lord Jesus who for freedom has set us free!"
There are so many around us that are trapped in fear or worry or selfishness or just trapped in the blah. GOD as called us to be more!! There is so much that is going on in this world. So much that is threatening to destroy us. Did you know that there are over 27 Million slaves world wide? There are more slaves now then there have ever been in the entire history of the world. I would venture to say that you know many people who may not be slaves through chains but through fear, through depression, through sin, through death. These people need hope, These people need LIGHT!! They are trapped in the darkness, starving for the fullness of God's love, beaten, bleeding through the lies of satan. We encounter them each day. I ask you who In your life is a slavery? who in your life is not only hearing the lies of satan but accepting them fully as truth? There is so much more then that?! DO THEY KNOW THAT?

The Church is not meant to be a time of just singing songs in a building listen to someone and then go church was meant to be a place where the Christians came together and fellow shipped together after being beaten after being torn apart for their lives, but now we are stuck. we were meant to be Warriors for God. Read Ephesians 6:10-18! Why would God give us armor if we did not need protection? we are meat to be fighters for our faith. There is a battle for our souls, for the souls of EVERY  SINGLE one around us and they are taking captives. They are brainwashing people and sucking all the joy and life out of their lives they struggle in vain to feel alive again by partying and doing this and that but in the end they are not fulfilled. it is a shallowness that is not lasting and leavings them feeling worse then before...We are meant to be helpers, we are meant to be fighters for everyone around us. What would happen is a person came up to you and said "I wish you Christians would die?" what would you say? What would happen if instead of just writing that person off we offered to buy that person lunch or asked them to go see a movie with you or play a game or hang out How would that radically change their life? How many of us are too busy with our own lives, our own agendas that we miss the chances to share God's love with those that may need it most? Have you ever thought that God interrupts people's plans to change the world? Esther was just a girl living her life, when she was called to save her people. she was taken out of her comfort zone and fought for the future of her people, Moses was just an Egyptian Prince but was put as a sheep herder for many many years before being called to save the lives of all of Israel. David was just a normal Shepard, minding his own business looking after his sheep when God called him and anointed him as the next king, Mary was a young teenage girl who was charged with the most precious child ever born. Paul was stricken blind before God called him to not kill his people but save them.

My dear friends, my family, we are called me be more and to do more then we are doing. This quote stirs in my heart.
"Compassion is never compassion till you go and cross the street and do something RIGHT NOW! Compassion is not Compassion until you are will to be interrupted." ~Christine Caine
My dear friends, my family...We are called to be something so much more. We do not know when our lives will collide with others and completely change who we are or even more transform who THEY are. Our calling our challenge is to go and make disciples among ALL nations. and some may say, well i can't go to Africa, or Russia, or The Middle East, or wherever but you must bloom where God has planted you! He has you there for a reason. But BE that compassion BE that love. Do NOT just pass by whom ever God is placing in your life. Whatever that may look like stop and pray. Ask God to show you who you are meant to minister to. But also make sure that your light is buring bright. If you are not in God's word, if you are not earnestly praying and seeking Him, start there. God can use anyone wherever they are but "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him!!" I love you all and I am praying for you! I ask you pray Eph. 10:18-19 over me and that God would give me His Passion, His Love, His eyes. untill Next time my dear family :)

O the love from the God of the Universe... (part1)

Hey you all

I hope that you are doing well. This is what has been happening in my life as of late. I am here in Korea for going on the fifth month. These past four months have been a roller costar but a blessing. I have felt very alone, I have been overwhelmed, I am blessed. I am enriched, I have been challenged, I have been broken down, I have been lifted but, but I survive and more then just survive I am thriving, by the grace of God.

Within the last month I have had the pleasure to go to Seoul with my group of teachers and visit the last palace of the last known Princess of Korea. it was a wonderful time and a good time to rest. I needed that time to relax. we went and saw the palace and walked around. it was wonderful. I was walking around with one of my friends and she and I wandered around and eventually found ourselves at this one place in at the back of the grounds where we could no longer hear the roars of the cars or the chatter of people but what we did hear was the whisper of the past. it was almost as though we could heard the clog clog clog clog of the wooden shoes of the King or the scuffing of the Princess' Hanbok 한복 dragging upon the cobble stones of the palace grounds. It was so peaceful and wonderful. I plan on going back with my friend in August and going back into the area called the Secret Garden.

I've been working each day. I am teaching Kindergarteners, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders. I love my kids so very much! I've been having my kids come and speak to me in English during lunch and they are getting better little bit by little bit. They have such wonderful hearts though sometimes they can be such butt heads ha. We also have schools come three days a week and we teach 5 classes each to these kids. There was this group that came last week. they must have been from a smaller school because they were not used to having native English Speakers. I was standing outside of a room because the class was not done yet and this room was the play room of sorts. I was standing blocking the door and a group was gathering right in front of me and I wasn't paying them any attention or anything but then one of them said 선생님 which is teacher in Korean and I looked at him and said 무 which means what? and then they all started saying it one by one. haha they would laugh and then just star at me in the eyes. finally I was like WHAT? haha and then one girl 아름다운 눈 which means beautiful eyes. Haha It was a wonderful complement and for the next 5 mins i stood there and just stared into the eyes of each student and I could not help but pray for each of them.

I don't know if you have read or if I have posted but I am doing a Bible study over John with now three Korean ladies and few American ladies. it is going slow but I love it and these ladies. I had the distinct honor of going to one girl's church *her father is the pastor* and I shared my testimony and sang a song for the church. it was a gathering of about 10 but it was a huge blessing and I feel like this is what I'm meant to be doing right now here and there...I'm finally getting it!