Monday, June 25, 2012

The Things That were and now are and that will be...

Hey Everyone,
I realize it's been forever and for that I am very sorry. this last month has been up and down so much for me, mostly down...but I am doing better I am doing MUCH better!! over the last month I have experienced a ton of culture shock as well as sickness. Over the last month I have, for the most part, gone to work, come home, rested, gone to work, came home and slept only to repeat the cycle. I was able to go to the doctor but one thing here in Korea is though the doctor is very inexpensive about 2.50 per visit and about 3 for meds, they only give you enough meds for 3 days and then you are expected to come back. That does not work very well with my work scheduled but I've been working on it.

Also I have been doing Hapkido for the last four months but i had hurt my knee about two months ago and though my doctors had told me that I needed to take a break from Hapkido I just couldn't not with my belt test coming up so closely and though i had hurt it even worse, partially tore a tendon, i continued to be in Hapkido. However after hurting it and straining it more I decided that I needed to take a break. And so I took this last month off however I did physical therapy and have rested my knee. 

Also There was a good amount of stress at work. I went about the protocol of missing a day of work because I was very sick and that set things off a little. I have been able to talk to my director and heard coordinator for my program and thing have been smoothed out. I am adjusting to the culture though it is very difficult. It's been very lonely partially because I've been sick and so I've been isolated in my room but also because well I'm in a country where i am not being understood or understanding 90% of the time and that is very tiring.I am always striving to become more thought.

But I am doing better, MUCH better!! I am very glad to say, healthy. Also i am working on me and GOD and more on who I am. I am trying to get more and more rest. I think that that is a reason why I was getting sick so easily was that I was pushing myself too much. I also am eating very healthy, Also I am going to be running with a friend. we are going to be doing a program where we are conditioning ourselves. Also I am going to be reading through the Bible in 90 days. Also I am continuing to have my Bible study over on with my friends, Also Also haha I've been asked by my pastor to do the Bible study while our current leader is gone and I'm leading the worship on Worship team for the English service. Also I am going to be doing foster care for a kitten for a while until she can find a good home or until I leave Korea. I really think that that kitten will help with the loneliness. I will be getting her Saturday. My Friends are helping me get out but what is helping most is God

God has recaptured my heart!!! I can't really express it! God has renewed who i am in Him! I was listening to worship online and God consumed me He wrapped me in his Love and hope and peace and all that good stuff!! He has shown me this through a package from my family and friends and a blanket from my friend who made it and had people pray over it! I am inspired. I am inspired to be more, more who I am where I am at. I know that Korea has been a HUGE step for me and something that I'm not yet even still adapting t but I know that God is and will prepare a way one way or the other.I am and will be more! I just need to cling to God and honor Him through all that i do. I love you guys and I am praying for each of you!!!! God has also given me a peace about being single and alone. Though satan would try and take this little object an let it eat away all that I am God has given me peace and I know, more then anything, that because I have Christ, I will NEVER be alone!! There is no one better at love then the author of Love Himself. <3 we shall see what the future holds. Also please be praying. The program here in Cheonan may not be renewed, and if so I need to know where i should God and what i should do. I've been debating on going and teaching english in another country or if it be possible working in an orphanage. That is my ultimate goal. Or I may end up at home working off my loans .... any of these are a wonderful option and God would and will use me wherever I am :) I hope you are well and I love you guys so much!!! I'm praying for you all!!!


Anne Nicole Royster said...

Hang in there, Megan! You're way overdue for your major Korea meltdown. I've heard rumor that most people have issues at 3 months (I know I did). It's tough, but it's so worth it if you can pull past it. Keep praying and trust that you are where G-d has placed you.

Love you, girl.

Megan said...

Thanks Anne!! you are a blessing girl