Saturday, October 30, 2010

You are Beautiful

Did you know, you are beautiful?
Well you are. 
You are stunning, radiant and you take God's breath away.
He loves you and created you exactly who you are, 
He loves you at your best and at your worst.
He loves you when you are waring your finest and when you are a sleep with drool hanging out of your mouth.
Yes, we know God loves us, but do you know you are beautiful?

God created you to be just as you are.
The color of your eyes, the dimpels in your face, the hairs on your skin...they all make you beautiful.
Every freckle on your smooth skin, the way you smile, how you laugh, how your eyes puff up when you are beautiful. 
When you are sick and pale, when you scrape your knee and are bent over, when you are all bundled up in the snow....You are beautiful.

Sadly this world works against us.
It says that we are not tall enough, not skinny enough, not athletic enough, not creative enough, not....enough.
But don't listen to it!
It whispers lies in the dark of night, hoping someone will listen, but that is all that it is...whispered lies.
Hold to the truth.
And God Values you.
I value you.

You are made from the Image of God.
You are like no other species in all of creation.
Even God has called you unique. 
God has called all of creation good, but it was not Very Good until we were added. 
You are Stunning.
You and your life make God smile.
There is noone and will never be anyone ever like you again <3
Just thought I'd remind you, you are beautiful and you are precious <3

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