Sunday, April 10, 2011

What Do you see?

What do you see when you look into my eyes? What do you see when you at the people we pass by daily? Those who you rub shoulders with? those who you open doors for and smile blankly back to? those who keep their head down as they walk, headphones in and tears on the edge their eyes? Why do we have empty words that flow out of fake masks we ware? what will it take to stop and look? 

I've been reading in the gospels lately and there is one really amazing thing i've seen in Jesus *yes there are tons more but this is what God has been showing me lately* that you know Jesus did all these amazing miracles and raised people from the dead, healed the sick, and opened the eyes of the blind and yeah sure these are amazing AMAZING things and they are truly miracles but I don't think that the miracles started with Jesus saying be healed or your faith has healed you or with Him spitting in the mud or whatever....I think that the real miracles started way before Jesus even said a word. Jesus saw people that everyone else only looked at...Jesus saw them for who they were right where they were that moment they were at...He say their hurt and the healing they needed but He saw more then that....He saw their worth, He saw how incredibly valuable they were in that very moment in their hurts and in their darkest moments. He saw them and accepted them, THERE WAS ALWAYS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE!! no matter where they came from or what they had done Jesus ALWAYS had a seat at the table for them.....

Jesus saw people that everyone else only looked at. think about many times did the priest pass by the lame beggar? how many times did those everyday kinda joes act like they did not see the blind men at the city gate? how many times did those women walk as far as they could from that woman who was bleeding for years upon end? how many times have we just shrugged off a friend saying that they need to talk or that they are fine when really we can see the agony in their eyes? How many times have we just walked on by when we know someone would love just five mins of our time or a hug....and yet we hurry to class or on with our day?

Ok now please do not feel like I'm judging anyone!!! I know like is crazy and insane an there is so much going on in our lives that we can barely keep up...I am  right there with you!! and those people had ligament reason backed by the Law that they did not do anything...we have ligament reasons too right? too busy...too stressed...too much on our plates....too much you yourself are dealing with...Too......whatever....but the thing is we do not know...we do not know how much that smile or that hug can affect someone's much being real will help much taking five mins will effect someone's we know how much stopping for five mins could change someones live or drastically affect our own?

Now Yes Jesus is JESUS...the SON OF GOD!! There has never and there will never be anyone like Him! He is the Alpha the Omega the Beginning and the End!! Jesus is God and God is so good!!! God is love, He is hope and faith and light and LIFE!! That love, that hope, that faith, that light, that LIFE is the very breath to our suffocating souls!!! With out it we die.... Jesus is everything but He has called us to be more...what Jesus did He has called us to also do, He has called us to also walk that path, to see those people, and He would not call us to something that we could not accomplish...We are infused with the Holy Spirit if we call ourselves Christians but what does that even mean any more?! to act "good" whenever anyone is looking and to do whatever you want when noone or the pastor isn't around? what's the point of all this if you're not going to let this change you? WE ARE CALLED TO BE MORE!!!!! Will you answer that call?! 

I've seen the church at it's finest and at it's worst, but the truth is WE are the church not some building or something else , we YOU AND ME are the church, we are Christ to the dark world around us!!!! We are the future of what is and what could be... I am so sick and tired of seeing the world die... JESUS HAS ALREADY CONCORD DEATH SO WHY ARE WE JUST SITTING HERE and allowing it to zap our joy or our zeal?! this is what's been on my heart and PLEASE PLEASE do not feel like i'm judging anyone or anything....maybe God is convicting you..idk this is just on my heart....this is what God has convicted me about....

So What do you see? Who do you see? Will you take the time to stop and see the people around your? will you take the time to talk to the friend who says that they are just fine? will you give someone five mins when that could save their life? so what do you See??

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