Monday, June 27, 2011

Ok GOD i'm listening....

Have you ever been almost asleep then a thought consumes ur mind and you must do something about ti but then the next thing u are doing like 5 things...yeah welcome to my life like 20 mins ago.... 

so i was in bed about to pass out and i was just getting dark images in my mind for some reason so i prayed and decied to put some music on...tired though my cell because ipod is missing :P no luck so I looked at the ring tones i have and i decied that i wanted to listen to Million Voices by Barlow Girl *see link --> * and I was challenged to write this...i'm not sure as of right this moment what it will turn out to be but hear me out...if it's a waste of ur time...well haha ur on fb I blame that :P here goes

I love this song. i feel like it is the anthem of my generation and the ones right around me. We are the ones sick of all the bull and standing up for things that have long since been ignored. and this is wonderful!!! i love the passion i see in your eyes. it's invigorating and contagious! We stand for the trees, we stand for the panda, we stand for saving the polar ice caps but do we stand for our faith??? i've noticed we will rally, riot, and camp out for weeks to stop the deforestation, which is NEEDED, but what to do we do to speak out against that which is killing our faith???

there is a deadly disease attacking each and everyone of us, sin. and I'm not just going to say well we all need to stop cussing and drinking and whatever else and then the world will be all happy rainbow and unicorns. that's bull. but sin is KILLING us!! LITERALLY!!! do u realize it!? Sin is eating away at ur soul. each moment we spend doing nothing slothing  on the couch, each engorging potato chip, each sensual image, each salty sweet lie that caresses our lips, it ca roads our souls a bit more. so when is the end?! 

there are millions of ppl around us slowly being eaten away at by this acidic poison and they don't even realize it. or they DO realize it and try to stop it but only end up adding more acid onto their already open wounds. we see the hopelessness. we see the sorrow that goes beyond words. we see the death, and still we sit in secret with our bibles huddled in the corners not moving to offer a safety rope or a hand to pull each other away form the edge.

I have already seen so much and so many amazingly good things come out of this generation! i have seen peace and color-blindness, i have seen injustices be stopped, i have seen starving children fed. YOU are powerful! I am powerful! together with GOD WE ARE UNSTOPPABLE!!!! Do you see that?*AND THIS IS NOT JUST FOR THE YOUNGER GENERATIONS* we need to unify. we need wisdom. we need direction. we need passion and liveliness. 

2 Chronicles 7:14
 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

an idea starts out small and fragile but if whispered upon the wind, if it catches the hint of passion it will ignight within the hearts of some, form there it will become a blazing fire that burns inside us!!! it's like a little ripple, it starts out wiht a drop, but before u know it it is shoving water up on the shore line!! Do not limit yourselves!!! Christ has empowered us and commissioned  us to bigger and better things then we realize even yet!! 

Matthew 28:18-19
"Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


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