Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ok so first off My name is Megan and I'm a college student and I am going to be going over to South Korea next fall for the fall semester and My international advisor told me I should make a blog for that... plus I jsut wanted one lol... so here it is and My first blog is comin your way....

Ok so last night I was really feeling very lonely and really quiet upset because well.... I'm not seeing anyone and by seeing someone I mean dating because obviously I can see lol... but I was really having issues with it because well I'm still single and I know six friends who are engaged and many more who are already married.... and I was and kind of am still feeling jipped.... and so last night I was working on some homework and stuff and I was talking with one of my best friends, Bre and we were talking about this and she was telling me that like I just needed to wait but yeah... and so I stayed up and she went to bed... I couldn't sleep and if you know me well, that's totally not me...I can sleep no matter where almost and so I stayed up and started to work on some make up homework but I continued to talk to God through out this....and I cried and yelled and ughed at God but he just allowed me to vent... and then when I was done ranting lol... God whispered silently to my heart.... I love you dear one, wait ... wait..... and I was like..... hmmm ok God... because I began to realize that God is obviously right... He knows what's best...I realized that either I'm not ready for him (most likely) or he's not ready for me or we both aren't ready for each other.... and so I realize that I need to wait and I'm totally ok with waiting... I’ve been waiting for twenty years and I'm ok with continually waiting.... I'm not going to give up on my Prince Charming and I pray that he will not give up on me..... I’ve really been dealing with this entire idea...that like I guess not settling and totally and completely being fine with being single....and like I’ve become kind of ok with that but at the same exact time I'm totally not... like there are guys here that if I went and asked we'd be dating but I don't just want to settle I want that "Prince Charming" like I know that guys are perfect and I'm not looking for perfect... I'm not looking anymore I guess I’m just waiting for the one that I'm meant to be with because I guess I’m one of the weird ones who thinks that there is one for everyone and that no one is meant to be alone In all honesty I have no idea what I want truly and so I wait for God to show me what It is that I meant to have and who I'm meant to be... because I think that I need to become someone and because grow deeper with the Lord or else there is no point because with out God there truly is no reason to be with anyone else... like aren't any relationships supposed to reflect the relationship of God and the church?....

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