Monday, March 15, 2010

My Dreams

I wrote this last night when i was woken from a dream and it's kinda also inspired by my mom becuase she has encouraged me to write again and so the ink is flowing and the paper stained, once again :) I'd love to know what u think!! <3

My Dreams.

At the slightest sound or smallest word, my dreams are chased away. They run to somewhere that i cannot follow. They hide in the stillness of night, encompassed by a starry peace that sheds its protective casing only in the deepest slumber.

My heart screams through my dreams. Calling our for understand, for recognition, for help and yet this is something that I cannot grant. For I am trapped in this cage of reason, of knowledge where my heart, my dreams, are not needed nor wanted. They are shoved aside huddled behind a smile and laugh that fool all. My worries, my fears, my sorrow, even my joys are hidden away in my heart, in my dreams.

So if you notice a tear rolling down my cheek or wonder why my gaze and my spirit wonder off out of the room, do not mind it. I am chasing after my dreams and reality will soon enough catch up with me.

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