Friday, December 9, 2011

How God's Growing Me!!!

I'm learning more and more to trust God and how to lean on Him. I've never really understood how to get there but I'm getting there. it's like letting go. Like if any of you have been white water rafting you will understand. Its like being being tossed out of ur boat into the ragging waters. Self preservation and all that is logical screams to your body to BREATH! Hold on to something, ANYTHING! Swim back to the boat!! Fight the raging waters and do what you must because YOU can do this, YOU have to. That is what one's life is one your own. That is what i've been doiing for most of my life, fight the raging waters, ignoring the fact that I have the blessing of a life vest strapped over my heart...I've tried goiing it alone and tried making my life whatever i thought that it needed to be but i was wrong haha. 

its taken a while to realized this but the safety, my very Savior has been waiting and strapped to my chest.He's been waiting for me to finally let go, to finally allow HIM to work and do what I need Him most to do :) I've been told by so many to let go and let God but I didnt understand how to do that. Even the guides tell each person in their boat if you happen to get knocked out of the boat, relax, keep breathing and do NOT try to hold onto anything, but to make sure you go down feet first and allow the water to carry you to safty. this is what ti means to trust and lean on God. We must trust that God will keep us aflowat in our darkest and hardest times. We must trust that God will keep our head above water and now matter how hard it becomes we just must allow God to carry us through. as long as we keep our eyes on God and our heart in the right place, God will carry us through. We CANNOT do it on our own strength.

I'm also realizing  how much God loves us and that the depth of his love for us is so much more then anyone could ever imagin...or anything we think we know best. If we do think it's the best then we are sadly mistaken because even our  greatest and most amazing dream and greatest thought is nothing  compared to the wonderful and breathtaken plan God has for us...not to say tha there wont be hardships and sad time but the sadest  times will be less sad with the Great Comforter at your side and the hardest and darkest tiems wont be without hope and light because God is there.

These are just somet stuff i'm beginning to realize more and mroe :) I love you guys and greatly appriciate who you are :D

Megan Jarrell
4216 Sandberg Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80911

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