Thursday, January 5, 2012

Korea 12 Days away!!!

Hey all!!!
So here's a little up date for last u knew i had gotten my ticket. there is one last thing i need to do before i head over....i mean aside from packing haha Which for the record i have 1 and a half suitcases packed *thanks mom! <3 *
 I have to get the Korean Consulate to stamp my passport. This requires an interview which *praise God!!!* i found out I can do over the phone. they also needed money, othe documents, a copy of my ID and my passport. I sent this *overnight FedEx* yesterday the 4th and I am hoping to get an email or something letting me know about the interview and I'm hoping and PRAYING that the interview is on Monday :D and that i can get my passport back like Tue or Wed!! Please be praying for this.well it's about 12 days away now :P almost 11 Ahhhhh! it's so crazy and honestly unreal still. 
it's going to be so hard to leave everyone that I've become so connected to and YOU are a huge reason for that. God has blessed my life so emensly with so many and I've become so attached to all of you that ....ugh that's going to be hard. i've already had to say goodbye to a close army friend and my sister. good byes are hard but it really isnt goodbye it's more like i'll see you when God brings us back together. in God's timing not our own :) Because His timing may not be our Timing but His timing is Perfect <3 I love you all and I'm praying for you :)
ps Ryon wants to come with me :)
Pps I've been having health issues...just sick all the time i'm taking an immune system helped please pray my body keeps up with what God is doing :D

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